Adobe muse gallery widgets
Adobe muse gallery widgets

adobe muse gallery widgets

Determine the number of visible images in your slider.Determine the shape you would like your images to display as: square, landscape, portrait, etc.Follow this process in order to have the most control over image aspect ratio / shape: The shape of the images within your slider are impacted by a number of factors: slider width, slider height, viewing browser (viewport) width, and number of images. Enable Pagination Navigation: This allows users to navigate the slideshow by clicking on pagination dots.Enable Pagination: This setting enables pagination dots visibility.

adobe muse gallery widgets

Hide Arrows: This hides the previous/next arrows.Enable Grab Cursor: This enables the cursor to advance slides by clicking and dragging, similar to touch UI seen on a mobile or tablet device.Enable Loop Mode: Allows slideshow to loop at the end.Enable Autoplay: This setting allows the slideshow to play, without clicking on the previous/next arrows.When this setting is not enabled, captions will appear on slides that are only partially visible, causing captions to be cut off and potentially distracting. This turns off captions for the slides to the right and left of the center slide. Hide Captions on Inactive Slides: This setting is only visible when the Enable Centered Slide setting is turned on.If you would like to create the classic "carousel slider" look, set Slides Per View to 2, and enable the center slide.Įven number of slides without Enable Centered Slide enabled:Įven number of slides with Enable Centered Slide enabled: Sliders with an odd number of slides visible will always have a centered slide. Enable Centered Slide: This setting is useful is you have an even number of slides, yet would like to have a slide centered.

adobe muse gallery widgets

Some settings will not be discussed here, as they do as they are labeled. This section includes extensive styling options for the slider. This section allows you to load your images, set caption text, and enable and define links.

  • Transition Direction: The slider can be set to transition right to left (horizontal) and bottom to top (vertical).
  • See the section below titled Managing Image Aspect Ratios to learn more about creating the classic "carousel look", as well as working with odd and even numbers of images.
  • Slides Per View: This sets the number of images seen at a time in the slider.
  • Keep in mind that slider height is always set in the widget options, while width is set with the widget container.
  • To adjust the width of the slider, simply resize the widget container.
  • Carousel Height: This setting will set the fixed height of the slider.
  • We suggest a minimum image width of 1000px.
  • Decide which images you would like to use in the slider.
  • While differing aspect ratios and sizes will work, images of differing sizes will be cropped when displayed uniformly in the slider.
  • It is best practice to prep the images in a photo editor so that they are the same height and aspect ratio.
  • For a full width slider, select "Stretch to browser width" in the Resize menu.

  • Position the widget in Design mode where you would like it to appear on the page in browser.
  • Drag the widget from the library and drop into your project in Design mode.

  • Adobe muse gallery widgets